5 events found.
CrossRoads Baptist Church 5075 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH, United StatesAwana is a world-wide ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. As the global leader…
Free Gift Wrapping
CrossRoads Baptist Church 5075 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH, United StatesBring your gifts and we will wrap them for free!
Book Swap!
CrossRoads Baptist Church 5075 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH, United StatesHave books to donate? Need a "new-to-you" book? Let's do a book swap! Tables will be set up in the…
Annual Business Meeting 2020
CrossRoads Baptist Church 5075 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH, United StatesJoin us as we vote in the new budget and elect 2020's officers and deacons.
Couples Game Night
CrossRoads Baptist Church 5075 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH, United StatesMarried? Engaged with a date set? Join us for a fun night of games, food and fellowship! Childcare will be…